Our programs

Providing free and open-sourced research mentorship
to bridge the gap in science engagement

2025 Offerings

Summer Research Programs

Neuroscience Mentorship Program (NMP)

A summer-long immersive experience to pursue a neuroscience-based research project.

Biology Mentorship Program (BMP)

A summer-long immersive experience to pursue a biology-based research project.

Computer Science Mentorship Program (CSMP)

A summer-long immersive experience to pursue a computer science -based research project.

Electrical Engineering Mentorship Program (EEMP)

A summer-long immersive experience to pursue an electrical engineering -based research project.

Future Offerings

We are currently working on expanding the summer research mentorship programs to support other areas of STEM in the near future.


In the works for 2025.


Our partnerships with other STEM programs.


A three-month immersive experience for students in Kilifi county in Kenya to pursue an independent research project.

Our Teaching Model

We bridge the opportunity gap in scientific research.

Traditional research training has relied on in-person labwork mentored by staff in the research laboratory, limiting the number of students that can be trained in basic scientific research skills.

We enable more students to have access to research training by:

  1. relying on open-science models of freely available scientific literature, textbooks, encyclopedias, and datasets;
  2. setting no required qualifications from basic research skills, and
  3. crowdsourcing mentors with experience in science.


We recognize that many students are in need of a more flexible scientific curriculum.

We pair students with mentors who will individually advise them on a flexible schedule (akin to private tutors) and provide resources to pursue project-based learning in scientific research. For budding scientists, this involves familiarizing themselves with science. For well-rooted scientists, this involves pursuing an independent research project using open-source materials.


We are powered by a volunteer force that is dedicated to furthering diversity in science.

As the students gain valuable scientific experiences, staff gain experience in leading a scientific project as a small-scale primary investigator and a scientific mentor. In the cases where students submit their summer projects to a student journal, these mentors serve as primary investigators for these papers. We employ diverse mentors with keenness to their passion for fostering diversity. We support volunteers and students alike in their professional development, which enables our program to flourish.


With the open science movement, science can be done anywhere and at any time.

Unlike the traditional scientific research model, where subscription-based journals and expensive tools barred entry to science, laypeople are now freely able to engage in scientific research. We leverage this fact and use these tools for education.


We are a collection of volunteers who are impassioned to bring science research to the people. We, as an organization, are a 501(c)3 charitable organization incorporated in the state of California. In the coming future, we aim to to grow the program across more disciplines and serve more individuals across the world.